Traits: Hardworking +4, Strong +4, Smart +8, Charming +8, Sucker -5, Target -2, Giver +2
Surviving: Hat Trick +5, Fire Practice +5, Firestarter +5
Dying: Village People -5
Events: Individual Immunity +25, Votes -10, Final Votes +40, Sole Survivor +25, Sprint Winner +15
Total: 124

Traits: Lazy -4, Strong +0, Stupid -6, Unpleasant -3, Sucker -4, Target -5, Taker -2
Surviving: Weird Chick Magnet +5
Dying: Drama Queen -10
Events: Votes -20, The Tribe Has Spoken -25
Total: -74

Traits: Hardworking +0, Strong +2, Stupid -4, Charming +4, Sucker -2, Target -2, Giver +0
Surviving: -
Dying: Susie, dude? SUSIE?!? -10, No Homework -5, Always a Bridesmaid -5
Events: Votes -10, The Tribe Has Spoken -25
Total: -57

Traits: Hardworking +0, Strong +2, Smart +3, Charming +6, Schemer +6, Under the Radar +10, Giver +5
Surviving: Fuck You Corinne +5, Paparazzi Bonus +5, Crowd Eating Out of Her Hand +5
Dying: Wrong Lipstick Choice -5, Elektra Complex -5, Suicidal Final Tribal -10
Events: Final Votes +0, Third Place +10
Total: 37

Traits: Hardworking +1, Strong +4, Smart +5, Unpleasant -5, Sucker -5, Target -4, Taker -4
Surviving: Underestimated +10, It's Enough That We Try +5
Dying: Shut the Fuck Up! -5, Laughable Opening Speech -5, One Million Dollar Cookie -5
Events: Individual Immunity +25, Votes -5, Final Votes +30, Second Place +15
Total: 57
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