Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hell's Kitchen - Week 12 - Marriage Proposal in Hell

You must cut your kitchen to 1 chef this week.

Traits: Master Chef +5, Lazy -5, Stupid -4, Unpleasant -6, Weak -5, Schemer +3, Team Player +3
Delicious!: Ice Breaker +5
You Could've Killed Someone!!!: Eyes on your own sheet -5, Polishing whine glasses -5, The Missing Wellies -5, Thin Resume -5
Events: Complete Dinner Service: +10, On the Chopping Block -10
Total: -24

Ben - Roasted
Traits: Cafeteria Lady -1, Hardworking +2, Stupid -5, Charming +2, Strong +1, Schemer +6, Team Player +5
Delicious!: Saw the Rainbow +5
You Could've Killed Someone!!!: Block Record Holder -5, Completely Deluded -5
Events: Complete Dinner Service: +10, On the Chopping Block -10, Roasted -25
Total: -20

Traits: Master Chef +6, Hardworking +4, Smart +3, Charming +4, Weak -1, Schemer +2, Team Player +2
Delicious!: Red Baron +5, But I liked my slate! +5
You Could've Killed Someone!!!: Dirty Ears -5
Events: Luxury Winner +15, Complete Dinner Service: +10
Total: 45

Traits: Master Chef +6, Hardworking +4, Smart +1, Charming +4, Strong +3, Schemer +2, Team Player +6
Delicious!: I wish I could come up with something here +0
You Could've Killed Someone!!!: Or here for that matter -0
Events: Complete Dinner Service: +10
Total: 36

Chef Ramsey Bonus
Ramsey-meter: Mission Fucking Accomplished +5, Blue Max +5, At least you still get the pots and pans +5
Total: 15

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