Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hell's Kitchen - Week 15 - And the Best Chef Is...

Traits: Master Chef +10, Hardworking +4, Stupid -5, Charming +5, Weak -1, Schemer +2, Team Player +8
Delicious!: Intimidation Strategy +5, Upset! +5
You Could've Killed Someone!!!: Phallic Phood -5, Girl Power -5, Gio on the Sauce -5
Events: Grand Winner +50
Total: 68

Traits: Master Chef +9, Hardworking +6, Smart +3, Charming +7, Strong +4, Schemer +0, Team Player +10
Delicious!: Best on Paper +5, Even the other team liked her restaurant the best +5
You Could've Killed Someone!!!: Crap Brûlé -5
Events: -
Total: 44

Chef Ramsey Bonus
Ramsey-meter: Heyyyyyyy Lacey +5, Broke Giovanni +10, Florida Fake Out +5, Top of the Pyramid +5
Total: 25

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