Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Big Brother 10 - Week 10 - That Clip Show and the Finale

Traits: Worker +5, Schemer +10, Charmer +12, Thinker +10, Competitor +10, Entertainer +7
Renovating It: Prankster +5, Lobo +5, Swim Club +5, TURNED APRIL'S VOTE!!! +25
Slumming It: -
Events: Winner 7-0 +50
Total: 144

Traits: Worker +2, Sucker -5, Charmer +2, Stupid -4, Loser -10, Entertainer +2
Renovating It: Mixology Finally Comes in Handy +5, Putting his Gay on +5
Slumming It: Backpeddle -10
Events: Runner-up +10
Total: -3

Julie Chen/Big Brother Fuck Up
Julie Chen Flubs +2, Julie Chen Awkward Questions +1, Clip Show +5, Blur Sock Nipples +5, Loose Use of the Word "Epic" +5, No One Wants to Talk to Angie +5
Running total: 228

Don't forget to give yourself 100 points if you came closest to the Julie Chen/BB Fuck Up in your group!

1 comment:

Siskoid said...

Our pool (includes 100 point-bonus for JC/BB F-Up):

Big Al: 50
Lyly: 0
Siskoid: 244
Sam: 144
Ricky: 97
Seb: 194
Pinky: 294

Big Al: -154
Lyly: -256
Siskoid: 544
Sam: 474
Ricky: -87
Seb: 730
Pinky: 643

Congrats to Seb!