Sunday, March 29, 2009

Amazing Race 14 - Week 7 - Gorilla? Gorilla? Gorilla?

This week, you must cut your teams to 2.

Cara & Jaime (cheerleaders)
Traits: Fast +4, Strong +2, Stupid -4, Together +2, Schemer +0, Ugly American -10, Unlucky -6
Leading: -
Trailing: Tower of Babel -5, That's not what the hat is for -5
Ranking: Second +40
Events: -
Total: 18

Lakisha & Jennifer (sisters)
Traits: Slow -2, Strong +4, Stupid -4, Divided -2, Schemer +2, Open-Minded +6, Unlucky -3
Leading: Dry Pants +5
Trailing: Swarmed -5
Ranking: Fifth -30
Events: -
Total: -29

Margie & Luke (mother/son)
Traits: Fast +2, Weak -3, Stupid -4, Divided -1, Schemer +0, Open-Minded +0, Lucky +6
Leading: -
Trailing: My arms are tired from talking -5, Swoon -5
Ranking: Fourth +20
Events: -
Total: 10

Mark & Mike (stuntmen)
Traits: Fast +6, Strong +2, Stupid -6, Together +8, Schemer +6, Ugly American -3, Lucky +8
Leading: -
Trailing: Tweedledumb -5, Ching Chong -5, Cheater Cheater Pants on Fire -10
Ranking: Third +30
Events: -
Total: 31

Mel & Mike (older father/son) - Eliminated
Traits: Slow -4, Strong +4, Stupid -6, Together +1, Sucker -2, Open-Minded +5, Unlucky -2
Leading: -
Trailing: Mai Thai -5, No trust in the natives -5
Ranking: Dead Last -50
Events: Eliminated
Total: -64

Tammy & Victor (siblings)
Traits: Fast +6, Strong +4, Stupid -2, Together +7, Sucker -1, Open-Minded +4, Lucky +2
Leading: Latchkey Kid +5, Riding with the Bandit +5
Trailing: -
Ranking: First +50
Events: -
Total: 80

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